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Beck's Superior Hybrids, Inc. is the largest family-owned, retail seed company in the United States. With a home office located in Atlanta, Ind., Beck's serves farmers throughout the Midwest and Mid-South. Beck's understands what farmers need, because they are farmers too.

Founded in 1937, Beck's appreciates the farmers who have helped them become the largest family-owned retail seed company and the third largest seed brand in the United States. This position gives Beck's access to the best genetics and trait technologies from suppliers worldwide. In fact, Beck's strives to provide all customers with the tools they need to succeed on their farm. They have revolutionized the customer seed buying experience by remaining true to a foundation built on faith, family, and farming. The Beck family is now in its fifth generation of family members who work in the business to honor God and help farmers succeed. The Beck family and team of employees help farmers achieve success from generation to generation through authentic customer experiences, product diversity, seed quality, and performance.

For all your corn, soybean, cover crop, and forage seed needs experience the difference with Beck's Superior Hybrids.

As an independent, family-owned seed company, Beck's is dedicated to providing farmers with the choices they need to succeed. That means providing the right hybrids for the right field, regardless of the trait or source company. Not only do we continue building our own line of proprietary germplasm, but we cultivate unique relationships with elite suppliers, giving our customers access to the most diverse genetic and trait offerings in the world.


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